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Beyond Dairy: A Guide to Non-Dairy Foods High in Calcium

By Surabhi Agrawal February 23, 2023

A Guide to Non-Dairy Foods High in Calcium

Calcium is an essential mineral that is important for maintaining strong bones and teeth, nerve function, and muscle contractions. While dairy products are often associated with calcium, there are many other foods that are rich in calcium.

Non-dairy foods high in calcium

There are several plant-based and animal-based foods that are rich in calcium, including:

  • Leafy greens: Spinach, kale, collard greens, and turnip greens are all high in calcium.
  • Fish: Canned sardines, salmon, and anchovies with bones are rich in calcium.
  • Nuts and seeds: Almonds, sesame seeds, and chia seeds are all good sources of calcium.
  • Tofu and tempeh: Soy products such as tofu and tempeh are rich in calcium.
  • Legumes: Navy beans, chickpeas, and white beans are all high in calcium.
  • Fortified foods: Some plant-based milks, orange juice, and breakfast cereals are fortified with calcium.

Benefits of getting calcium from non-dairy sources

Getting calcium from non-dairy sources can have several benefits, such as:

  • Reduced risk of lactose intolerance: Many people are lactose intolerant and may have difficulty digesting dairy products, making it important to find alternative sources of calcium.
  • Improved bone health: Consuming adequate amounts of calcium from a variety of sources can help maintain strong bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Improved overall health: Eating a variety of plant-based and animal-based foods that are high in calcium can provide other important nutrients, such as protein, fiber, and vitamins.

How to incorporate non-dairy calcium sources into your diet

Incorporating non-dairy calcium sources into your diet can be easy, by:

  • Adding leafy greens to smoothies or salads
  • Snacking on nuts and seeds
  • Trying new recipes with tofu or tempeh
  • Incorporating canned fish with bones into meals
  • Choosing fortified plant-based milks or cereals

Frequently Asked Questions about Non-Dairy foods high in calcium

1. What are some plant-based foods that are high in calcium?

Plant-based foods that are high in calcium include leafy greens such as spinach and kale, nuts and seeds such as almonds and sesame seeds, and legumes such as navy beans and chickpeas. Some fortified plant-based milks and breakfast cereals are also good sources of calcium.

2. Can I get enough calcium from non-dairy sources alone?

While it is possible to get enough calcium from non-dairy sources alone, it may require consuming a larger quantity of calcium-rich foods compared to consuming dairy products. It is important to ensure that you are consuming a variety of foods that are rich in calcium to meet your daily needs.

3. Are non-dairy sources of calcium better for bone health than dairy sources?

Both dairy and non-dairy sources of calcium can be beneficial for bone health when consumed in adequate amounts. However, consuming a variety of foods that are rich in calcium from both plant-based and animal-based sources can provide additional nutrients that are important for bone health, such as vitamin D, vitamin K, and magnesium.

4. What are some ways to incorporate non-dairy sources of calcium into my diet?

Some ways to incorporate non-dairy sources of calcium into your diet include adding leafy greens to smoothies or salads, snacking on nuts and seeds, trying new recipes with tofu or tempeh, incorporating canned fish with bones into meals, and choosing fortified plant-based milks or cereals.

5. Can consuming too much calcium from non-dairy sources be harmful?

Consuming too much calcium from any source, including non-dairy sources, can be harmful and may increase the risk of kidney stones or other health problems. It is important to consume calcium in moderation and to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any calcium supplements.


Calcium is an essential mineral that can be found in a variety of foods other than dairy. Incorporating these non-dairy sources of calcium into your diet can have several health benefits and is a great way to ensure that you are getting the recommended daily amount of calcium.

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